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Use VideoAsk on Android

With our VideoAsk Android app, you can keep up to date with your latest interactions while on the go.


The VideoAsk Android app acts as a companion to our more robust web-based platform. It allows you to check in on what's new when you're away from your computer and lets you send replies to your respondents via video.

Its functionalities differ from both the web platform and the iOS app, and it's not (currently) possible to create or edit a videoask directly in the Android app.

Keep reading to learn more about how to use the VideoAsk Android app.

View and reply to interactions

When you open the app you'll be taken to your All interactions feed:


Here you can scroll through your interactions with respondents. Tap an interaction to view it and reply.


As long as your respondent has left their contact details, you can choose to reply to them by video or email.

If you reply by video, your respondent will receive an email notification letting them know you've replied to them. If you choose to reply by email, this will prompt your native email app to open, and you can email your respondent directly.


Note: If your videoask has multiple steps, you can scroll through the different steps at the bottom of your screen.

Switch organizations

If you're part of more than one VideoAsk organization, you can easily move between your organizations from the Android app.


From your All interactions feed, tap the dropdown arrow at the top of the screen.



Tap the Organization you want to switch to. 


That's it! You'll be taken directly to the All interactions feed of your chosen organization where you can view and reply to respondents.

My account

Tap the My account icon at the bottom of your screen (the one that looks like a person).


Here you can manage some of your account settings. You have the option to Log out of this accountChange your password, and make changes to My notifications.

You can also Delete your account:



Help area

Tap the question mark icon to go to the Help area of the app.


Here you'll find a whole bunch of useful resources including ways to get help, product updates, our API documentation, and our terms of service:


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